Fast Food Logo Spoofs


logo spoofs

These were some funny logo spoofs based on some major food corporations that I thought was funny and interesting to share hope you guys enjoy. The one that I thought was the funniest to me was Pizza Hat because the logo really does look like a hat and I thought this one was really funny ๐Ÿ™‚

Logo Parodies With Slogans That Say What You Think.

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I thought this video was really funny and had some awesome “Logo Parodies” hopefully you guys enjoy and get a good laugh from this video ๐Ÿ™‚

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I also thought these pictures were really funny too. I often had moments where I have had a bad day and ate some Ben & Jerry’s Ice cream to ease the pain. I thought it was really funny how true “Eat Away Your Feelings” is when you see the Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream logo. The other one that was really funny to me was the Nature Valley Granola Bars logo saying “Crumbs Everywhere. This is very funny and true to me because of how many times I had a Nature Valley Granola Bar and all the crumbs would come out of one package and it would create a huge mess.

More logo look-alikes

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The First logo lookalike I found was the FIFA 2014 World Cup Logo looks like Jean Luc-Picard one of the characters from the famous show Star Trek. I thought this was really funny because in this picture he does look like the FIFA 2014 World Cup logo.


I thought this was very interesting because I never noticed that these logos have similarities. It was really cool to see how they look alike putting these three logos together. I never noticed this but you can easily tell they all use the same font or close to it and have the same design element. I thought this was a cool one to share because it really interested me to see how they all do look alike.

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These logo look-alikes use red circles and use white space effectively. You can really tell all of these have the same design element and these all do look alike, although you can tell which logo is which. I think it is really cool that nobody really thinks about this until they put these images together you can tell one idea branched from another and that is how these were created.


This is another logo look alike I came across of the Bacardi “Drink” logo looks like the Swiss Air Force logo. I thought this was really interesting because the Bacardi logo conveys the same design element as the Swiss Air Force logo. I felt like this was a good one to share because you can see how the design was probably inspired by this.

Logo Look-Alikes

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I have noticed many logos have very similar characteristics and similarities but you can still tell the difference between them. In this post I posted many images that I believe look-alike and have similar design elements. I find it interesting how people could tell the difference of these logos but they do not pay attention to the design elements. The logos I’ve posted are very interesting look-alike and the similarities are there for example, the first logo I posted is the Sun Microsystems logoย and it looks very similar to the design of the Columbia sportswear co. logo. You can see they both have the same logo design but a different color and the lines are a little different but you can still tell the similarities between them. ย The rest of these logos I’ve posted you can see design similarities I am going to talk about my favorite one I’ve posted the 4th picture. The Obama logo similarities with other logos was the one that was most interesting to me while I was during my research. The Obama logo is the most interesting one because it relates to the old Pepsi logo and that relates to the Korean Air, Studebaker logo. I think it is really interesting how one logo can look similar to so many it is really cool and but not many people notice this and I did not until now because everyone knows which logo means what. While researching this logos I learned that design elements and ideas are inspired by other graphic designers. These logos are not really copies but they are similar and unique in aย way because the logo builds branding. For example when you pass by a McDonald’s or Burger King you know the logo and can recognize it from a distance because you see them very often and know what their logo is. Logos are very important with companies and branding cause people can remember the logo and do pay attention to them. I hope you enjoyed looking at the logos I have found and learned something interesting from this post ๐Ÿ™‚